When was the last time I posted? Oh well. If I can't remember it's been too long. So where was I?
Oh yeah! Me and Nick are over... Again... But this time for good. His life is just so fucked up, something's wrong his brother, and he might like girls. He wanted to talk to be about it but I honestly didn't want to hear it. So I just haven't talked to him since.
I didn't actually find out we were over until I read his Facebook... Yeah, I found out through fucking Facebook. Then again the only time he ever has any balls anyway is when it's through a computer. I could have sworn that when someone breaks up with you that you're the first one to know. But whatever. He's not worth any of my time anymore.
And instead of setting my status to single, I set it to "Widowed", just to scare him for a bit.
I have other interests anyway.
So as for not posting I may have just been lazy. Most of my free time was dedicated to some Left 4 Dead :P
But there were other times where I just felt like absolute shit. It's the medicine. If I don't take it one day, when I take it the next day it makes me hungry yet not able to eat anything and a searing headache. I sometimes just curl up in a ball and lay on my bed for an hour or so before there's things to do.
Yeah I'm busy, too.
Holy shit, a teenage boy has a life!Henry messaged me yesterday asking me when we were going to meet up. But it's not like I can just go out whenever. And mum is always keeping track of us so she can know where we all are at one time. If I tell her I'm hanging out with somebody, and a boy, she'll suspect something. So I haven't replied to him yet, that totally-gay bastard ^_^
I think the market is cutting my paychecks every week. They're all WAY smaller than they should be. When reading through the stats on last weeks check there was almost 6 hours worth of pay missing. So I'm calling them tomorrow to flip a bitch.
Pedro is out of our shop class. Wanna guess why? He can't stand Chris to the point where he felt that it was best to just not keep him in the class with us. Me and Hunter of course responded, "Take us with you!" Victor would have done it, too but he was suspended. And THAT is a good story.
We were in the Plumbing shop working on pipelines and such. Chris was just on a roll pissing everyone in the class off. And now we have this boy Nick on team Hostile!
(Yeah. I've decided to put the dislike of Chris into two groups, the Hostiles and the Liberals. Me, Hunter, Pedro, Victor, and Melodie are team hostile since we won't take shit from him. Misha, Anita, Sam, and Nick are on team liberal, which are the ones who hate him but don't say anything to him. Or at least Nick was until Chris tipped him over the edge.)
Back to the story. So Chris was really getting on Pedro's nerves. Backtalking, bitchy-attitude, nag nag nag... He even threatened to get someone to beat him up. Because of course one, Chris totally has friends; two, someone would actually fight for him (and fight Pedro of all people); and three, when hate turns into a fight, you get someone else to fight your battle for you and not back up all the shit you said in the first place.
Pedro was shaking his fists, trying his very hardest not to turn around and deliver one right to Chris' skull. Out of nowhere, Victor pushes past Pedro and I and delivers a hard-as-hell kick right into Chris' bulging midsection.
"You back the fuck away from Pedro. I will kill you." Victor gave Chris a final push into a rack of tools, which practically knocked over.
All I could think was,
Oh shit... That was the most I've ever heard Victor speak in English. And it was... Scary!"He hit me!" Chris began to whine. "He threatened to kill me! [Bitch, bitch, bitch, complain, complain.]"
If it weren't risky, I'm sure the whole class would have burst into applause for someone, and Victor of all people; the silent bystander.
Victor still isn't back in school yet. He should be by tomorrow.
I don't think there's much else to say. Hopefully I can get back on track with posting. but then again this is sort of turning into a boy crying wolf thing. I hope not.
Let's see if I post tomorrow.
Live ^^