Monday, December 20, 2010

Alright, You know What? Fuck It

This blog is just a pain to keep holding on to. Not to mention I can't even keep track of what I write here so it probably makes no sense. My life is getting way too busy to keep doing this. (Funny thing, right? The only people with time to blog are those with the kind of time on their hands. Save for a small 5% of the blogs out there.)

So yeah. I'm killing this blog. But I mean, if you still give a shit I still have a Tumblr.
^Click (content unrated however so there will be some... Odd things on it.)

And I may regret this but here's my Twitter:

It's on private so send me a request and I'll let you in. But, not to further inflate my already massive ego, but it's an easily breakable privilege to follow me... So don't fuck it up or you won't see me anymore.

Content also unrated. And if you plan on stalking me FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS SANE only stalk me! I'm fine with stalkers on my ass because I can deal with them but my followers & friends are to be left alone! I'll dig my own grave.

So yeah... Bye.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This was actually form yesterday but I couldn't go on without sharing this.

On the ride to work...

Mom: "Girls dig that you know."
Me: *scoff*
Mom: "Ugh. I know, I know. Thing is... I just can't imagine you kissing another guy."
Me: "... You should've been there."
Mom: "AAAUGH!"

The Med class owns a pair of glasses which, when you put them on, make you see the world as if you were drunk. It was to get the feel of being drunk without the whole fucked up thought processing. We had to walk in a straight line without dropping a tray with a pyramid of cups on it. And I must say, I did so well I could drive home ^_^

Melodie didn't even take a step. She put them on and almost cried because it was "So freaking scary." Actually quite hilarious to watch.

Hunter put on a performance with his. When he put on the glasses he looked around as if he were in another world. "Oh ... COOL!" He wasn't doing anything and people kept shouting for him to move already.
"I'm trying!" He said while he remained like a statue.

1 step... crash. The cups spill. So much for all that "preparation".

Annie tried to draw an eyeball with the goggles on. She first drew one without them, (a fucking artist-looking eyeball FYI), then drew one with them on. When she was done it was clear that none of us can draw as well as Annie even when she's drunk. Lol.

Yeah, that was really the only highlight of today. Meh, oh well.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Playing Doctor

I fell into Rita's shoulder. "Shit went down in Sweden!" ;~;
I broke my crying act. "A suicide bomber set off a bomb in Stockholm. But since tragedy is impossible in Sweden, he fucked up and ended up being the only one who ended up dead. A couple were injured, but not dead."
"Wow..." she thought for a second. "Oh yeah, I wanted to show you this."

She handed me a booklet about a recent group of people who want Socialism in America. Though with America as big and as populated and as insane as America, Socialism is near impossible. I never found the time to read the booklet anyway.

We're now in the Medical Assistant shop class. "Assistant" sort of came off as a blinking light to me but it was explained that it was kind of a basis if one planned on attending a medical school post-high school.

I slept through the video played at the start of class since I had been up until 2 am last night on the computer since I just won't stop when I find something to do.

Later we took ultrasounds to find our pulse. Now, to most everyone the idea of an ultrasound is only used to find babies. So when Melodie was getting her pulse checked I shouted "It's a boy!"

When it was my turn I wanted to get it on my neck since everyone else already got it on their wrist. The gel was COLD! Then when the device was put on my neck you could faintly hear my heart beating. It was mostly clouded by what I assume was breathing. It sounded like wind over the machine.

"I can hear the ocean!" *Cue giggles*

It was a half day so the class was cut short. But of course I don't get to relax, NOOO... I have to sell hockey equipment to a sports pawn shop. Though while I was there I did find something interesting.

I went to check out the golf clubs and mysteriously placed in the middle of all of them... A fucking electric scooter. Now, if there was one thing I always wanted as a child, this would probably be it. Sad part is the starter was broken so I couldn't buy it. Though the shop is going to have a look and see if they can do anything so thumbs up.

Gotta go to work now. Shit! I'm late!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

On the Bright Side

I was gonna post earlier today (well... Technically it's yesterday but only dipshits care enough). I ended up sleeping through the whole day. Not to mention work right after school.

So, ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, it turns out it was actually Ian who took my hat and gloves, which he held on to until the next day. He figured I wasn't coming back to the library since again, for the record, it was the end of the day.

Friends kick ass!

Again apologies for no well made post or whatever. I think it might have to do with these odd new vitamins I've been taking. *Reads ingredients*...

It's just a bunch of fucking fish!

What I can't believe is that the cashier was dumb enough to not realize that he was selling drugs to a minor. Just multivitamins or not, it's got a strict warning label and if I were to take more than one of these I might actually die, probably form an OD of Iron.

Oh well, I got the pills, and I'm not suicidal (yet) so it's all good.

No more fluff! Bedtime mister! *taser* GAH! You have work in the morning!

Live. *bzzt* EEP!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Of All the Fucking...

How the FUCK can someone be such trash that they just take shit if nobody's guarding it?

Today at the end of school I left the library for no more than 5 minutes. When I come back, my (expensive) gloves and winter hat were stolen off the desk I was sitting at. I go around the last few classes I was in even though I knew I left them in the library, but nothing.

I go back tot he library and look again when the librarian asks me what I'm looking for. I tell her my problem and she looks around from her seat but sees nothing.

"When were you in here?"
"10 minutes ago."
"Oh... Gosh. Well, I don't see anything..."
I think we established that...

"Fine." And I give up and head to Amy's car to go home.

Nice fucking school they run there. They claim to be better than a vocational high school and raise the very best of students, but really these jack-offs are no better than any other public school future drop-out. Just a bunch of filth who have no fucking feeling for any other person but themselves.

And of course mum bitched at ME because somebody stole my shit.
"Yes, mum, it's my fault some fucktard klepto can't keeps his hands off my damn gloves."
"You need to be more careful."

I just walked out the door shouting behind me, "Of course I need your bullshit right now, mum. It really makes my day."

I went over to a CVS and picked up a new had along with a few other meaningless items I happened to walk by in the store. Because at least I pay for my shit instead of snatching it out of another persons possession.

FUCK! It really takes that little to put me over the edge.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wow... Just Wow

And I thought Nick was emotionally attached...

Today at lunch Jen came up to me and asked, "Have I told you yet?"
"Yeah, you're on and off boyfriend? I think everybody knows."
"No, no, no. Not that."
She put her mouth to my ear and said,

"We're engaged."
All I could think was, "What the fuck?"

"What the fuck, Jen? Does anyone else know?"
"Yeah I told Rita, Amber, Ian..."
"Did they all tell you you're being incredibly stupid?"
"Yes, actually."
"It's not gonna last. The relationship, maybe. But an engagement? Not a chance." (And I don't think the relationship will last either. I just told her that because the truth would just be pretty mean.)

And she went off like everything was now normal. She'll fucking commit suicide if he breaks up with her now. Though I can't imagine how she could be upset if that were to happen seeing as how it would be the seventh time...

UUAAAGH! Straight people!

Had to get that out, but can't write the rest of the day. Just another usual one anyway. Got schoolwork to do like a motherfucker, so no time to reflect.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Seems my leg is doing quite better. Though stairs still make me yelp as I walk on them. At least I can walk without looking like I have some sort of poor limp.

I think I need more sleep. I stay up hours on end typing away on my computer. And it's funny because at around 5:00 I can never find anything to do. Yet once it's 10:00 I suddenly have hours of shit to be done. And it's not like I can make myself get up from my desk. It's an addiction! (Oh I'm such a nerd)

I had an anarchist moment with the Chemistry teacher again! He was relating science to the ever-so-stupid American way of life. He saw me smiling the whole time he was bashing and asked me what was so funny.

"It just makes me awfully happy too hear this..." I told him.
He laughed and gave me the "I'm watching you" gesture.
"What? Would you like me to bring out the chart?" (My "propaganda")

Everyone in the class started giggling including the Chem teacher since they've all seen it by now. ;)

I'm not feeling too well since I forgot to take my pill yesterday so my stomach's being a bitch. But I'd like to say one final congratulations to my sister Amy who just got a letter of acceptance into her number 1 choice for colleges. When she opened the letter she started screaming and calling up mum and a few friends to spread the great news. I'm awful happy for her as well. Though now I'm going to miss her something terrible when she moves away.

At least it's fairly close by our home so a visit every now and then won't be a hassle. But still...


Monday, December 6, 2010

My Leg!

Jen got back together with her ex-ex-ex-ex... Boyfriend for about the fifth time. It was odd because when he told her she wanted him back she started bawling her eyes out all happy and cheery about it. But Rita, Ian, Me, and pretty much everyone else who discussed this with us all agreed that it was just going to end up like every other time and they would be apart once again and then Jen will be an emotional wreck.... Again.

Ugh, straight people.

During gym class I saw Pedro all over this girl whom I had never met. "This is my new girlfriend." How did I not expect you to get a new one that fast? So that meant that Melodie really meant it when she was talking about how she was done with Pedro last week. I thought they were just in a fight. But it's fine. She's a pretty nice girl

. But practically right after the game began I was knocked over by a junior far larger than me. I'm not sure why it hurt so badly but it was killer. I think his knee drove into my thigh or something. My leg was paralyzed and I couldn't bend or move it at all. The pain was now surging throughout my entire leg...

"Ahahahaha!" Why I was laughing so hard I did not know. I would think at that level of pain I would be cursing like a sailor but instead I was in a fit of laughter.

When I was able to move my leg again I shifted off the sideline and onto the bleachers and observe for the rest of the game. Later I took a visit to the nurse. Apparently all they're allowed to do is give me ice and a couple pain pills. Might as well have just given me a package of crackers...

On the bright side it did get me out of work after school. No way I would have been able to work when I couldn't even walk without the throbbing. And mum went to the bank and cashed my last few weeks of paychecks to get me over $120. And that's only half of it. The other half went into the bank.

Hopefully I won't wake up to an even worse leg tomorrow. It's bad enough I already have to walk up and down stairs every 20 minutes with my current pain...


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Have I Just Been Lazy?

When was the last time I posted? Oh well. If I can't remember it's been too long. So where was I?

Oh yeah! Me and Nick are over... Again... But this time for good. His life is just so fucked up, something's wrong his brother, and he might like girls. He wanted to talk to be about it but I honestly didn't want to hear it. So I just haven't talked to him since.

I didn't actually find out we were over until I read his Facebook... Yeah, I found out through fucking Facebook. Then again the only time he ever has any balls anyway is when it's through a computer. I could have sworn that when someone breaks up with you that you're the first one to know. But whatever. He's not worth any of my time anymore.

And instead of setting my status to single, I set it to "Widowed", just to scare him for a bit.

I have other interests anyway.

So as for not posting I may have just been lazy. Most of my free time was dedicated to some Left 4 Dead :P
But there were other times where I just felt like absolute shit. It's the medicine. If I don't take it one day, when I take it the next day it makes me hungry yet not able to eat anything and a searing headache. I sometimes just curl up in a ball and lay on my bed for an hour or so before there's things to do.

Yeah I'm busy, too. Holy shit, a teenage boy has a life!

Henry messaged me yesterday asking me when we were going to meet up. But it's not like I can just go out whenever. And mum is always keeping track of us so she can know where we all are at one time. If I tell her I'm hanging out with somebody, and a boy, she'll suspect something. So I haven't replied to him yet, that totally-gay bastard ^_^

I think the market is cutting my paychecks every week. They're all WAY smaller than they should be. When reading through the stats on last weeks check there was almost 6 hours worth of pay missing. So I'm calling them tomorrow to flip a bitch.

Pedro is out of our shop class. Wanna guess why? He can't stand Chris to the point where he felt that it was best to just not keep him in the class with us. Me and Hunter of course responded, "Take us with you!" Victor would have done it, too but he was suspended. And THAT is a good story.

We were in the Plumbing shop working on pipelines and such. Chris was just on a roll pissing everyone in the class off. And now we have this boy Nick on team Hostile!
(Yeah. I've decided to put the dislike of Chris into two groups, the Hostiles and the Liberals. Me, Hunter, Pedro, Victor, and Melodie are team hostile since we won't take shit from him. Misha, Anita, Sam, and Nick are on team liberal, which are the ones who hate him but don't say anything to him. Or at least Nick was until Chris tipped him over the edge.)

Back to the story. So Chris was really getting on Pedro's nerves. Backtalking, bitchy-attitude, nag nag nag... He even threatened to get someone to beat him up. Because of course one, Chris totally has friends; two, someone would actually fight for him (and fight Pedro of all people); and three, when hate turns into a fight, you get someone else to fight your battle for you and not back up all the shit you said in the first place.

Pedro was shaking his fists, trying his very hardest not to turn around and deliver one right to Chris' skull. Out of nowhere, Victor pushes past Pedro and I and delivers a hard-as-hell kick right into Chris' bulging midsection.

"You back the fuck away from Pedro. I will kill you." Victor gave Chris a final push into a rack of tools, which practically knocked over.

All I could think was, Oh shit... That was the most I've ever heard Victor speak in English. And it was... Scary!

"He hit me!" Chris began to whine. "He threatened to kill me! [Bitch, bitch, bitch, complain, complain.]"

If it weren't risky, I'm sure the whole class would have burst into applause for someone, and Victor of all people; the silent bystander.

Victor still isn't back in school yet. He should be by tomorrow.

I don't think there's much else to say. Hopefully I can get back on track with posting. but then again this is sort of turning into a boy crying wolf thing. I hope not.

Let's see if I post tomorrow.

Live ^^