Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Seems my leg is doing quite better. Though stairs still make me yelp as I walk on them. At least I can walk without looking like I have some sort of poor limp.

I think I need more sleep. I stay up hours on end typing away on my computer. And it's funny because at around 5:00 I can never find anything to do. Yet once it's 10:00 I suddenly have hours of shit to be done. And it's not like I can make myself get up from my desk. It's an addiction! (Oh I'm such a nerd)

I had an anarchist moment with the Chemistry teacher again! He was relating science to the ever-so-stupid American way of life. He saw me smiling the whole time he was bashing and asked me what was so funny.

"It just makes me awfully happy too hear this..." I told him.
He laughed and gave me the "I'm watching you" gesture.
"What? Would you like me to bring out the chart?" (My "propaganda")

Everyone in the class started giggling including the Chem teacher since they've all seen it by now. ;)

I'm not feeling too well since I forgot to take my pill yesterday so my stomach's being a bitch. But I'd like to say one final congratulations to my sister Amy who just got a letter of acceptance into her number 1 choice for colleges. When she opened the letter she started screaming and calling up mum and a few friends to spread the great news. I'm awful happy for her as well. Though now I'm going to miss her something terrible when she moves away.

At least it's fairly close by our home so a visit every now and then won't be a hassle. But still...


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