Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This school was just built for stress. I mean, not only do colleges expect more out of students from this particular school but it's just so much more fucking work, too! Honestly, you should see how many kids smoke in this school. The second parking lot may have been to fit more cars but there must be a reason why smoking is allowed in that lot too even though the school owns it.

I thought my headaches were just a side effect from the Concerta but I went a week without the meds and still came home from school with my head throbbing. My grades suck so I'm gonna have to hear about it from dad even though I already know everything he's gonna say and how I should have taken more steps to improve my grades but I just can't bring myself to do it when the day has just worn me out to the point where I stagger to Amy's car when the day is over.

I yell at my own shit for being too heavy and just throw it across the room. Sometimes I can't even get it off me I'm just so drained. I lay face down on my bed for endless minutes before I finally get up to eat something, in hopes for more energy. Nope. Not good enough.

Today I tell my shop teacher (today was carpentry) that I need to pick up my classwork for tomorrow from English and Math since I'm getting my ears checked out at the hospital that day. At 2:10 he tells me to go at 2:20. In ten minutes I forgot about it completely. Now I don't know what I'll need to make up and I just know I probably won't end up doing it anyway since I'm just so fucking trashed every god damned day!

I need to do something to relax myself. My head just wants to explode.



  1. It's the New World Order thing. Think about it. Today the Corporate Imperialist Republicans are back in power - not that they ever left it. There's "no child left behind" - still on the books from that sociopath who was president. Schools and teachers are teaching to the "test". If they flunk the "test", no funding for the school & teachers with no paycheck. They're at Max Sweat, and they want you to be too! Therefore, stressful students.

    The owners of this country want obedient workers; just smart enough to operate the equipment and do the paperwork, but dumb enough not to notice the red, white and blue dick that's being shoved up their ass every day. They're prepping you for those 14 hour days, 6 days a week, plus homework and no overtime, no benefits, no pension, no shit.

    The kids of today - you guys - need to take up the banner of critical thinking, and realize that if the future "working stiffs" of America do not unite and face up to these political bullies, they will ride your ass, squeeze everything they can out of you, and then leave you to rot on the curb.

  2. Hi there, Christian

    Hmmm... various thoughts, written in something of a hurry; I hope they're of some use.

    Headaches: have you had an eyesight test recently? If your eyes and the muscles around them are working hard all day to keep your vision focused, that can easily lead to headaches.

    Tiredness: this doesn't sound right - despite the workload at school, I don't think you should be that tired every day. Possible causes you might like to check: diet, or even something medical - is this what the Concerta was for?

    In any case, I very much hope you can work out what's going on, and get control of it.

    Take care


  3. Hi there, Christian

    It's been nearly a week since you last posted - quite a long time for you. I'm concerned: I hope everything's OK with you.

    Take care

