Friday, October 29, 2010

Back Together?

It's raining outside... But if that's the case then why is the sun still blinding?

Jen had a secret she was keeping form me this morning. But she whispered it in Rita's ear, so I knew I was gonna hear it from her.

And guess who was right? Rita sat me down in homeroom and told me:

"Jen says Nick wants you back."
"After all that I said?"
"Yeah well, he said he still likes you and you were right that he should have more 'lust'."

Yeah. He wants me back even after that little argument. Of course I shouldn't take him back... But for some reason I'm still thinking about it. Because even though we don't work for each other at all, I somehow still feel something for him.

After all I for one believe in second chances. And he did say he would change; I pretty much told him everything about him that bothered me...

But I still don't feel enough of the way there to take him back yet. I mean he does lack in some positive qualities. For instance, breaking up through a text message, and hardly thinking about us as a couple more than just himself.

But I keep going back and forth on the positives and negatives! Grah!

I probably don't have more than the weekend to think about this now. But right now I have to head off to work and then get ready for the sweet sweet party. No time to think about Nick now. I'll make a post retelling tonight after work tomorrow afternoon.



  1. mmmmmmmmmm - - -mm; I ain't sayin' notin' !

  2. He flaked on you once, so it seems highly likely that he'll flake on you again sometime. Could you have some fun before it happens? Maybe. I've really got no advice on whether you should get back together with him or not. You both seem to be in similar place where you like some things about each other some of the time, and get ticked off by other things the rest of the time.
