Saturday, October 16, 2010


Irresistible title, right?

So I got a text message from Nick last night. He apparently swapped contacts with Eric, who somehow had my number, at the beginning of the year. I wonder why he never told me sooner so I could have his as well. So we had a short conversation until it was time for bed. Then when I wake up the next morning I have an unread text message on my phone:

From Nick 10/16/10 8:54 AM
"Will you go out with me please?"
Well he did say please ;3... But I have to think it over. Let's see the reasons on both sides here:

Why I should:
  • He's insanely cute, and a little nerdy ;)
  • He's Russian, so he has a natural badassness to him
  • I was right when I thought the way he acted around me while he was with Griffin was suspicious
  • He had my number this whole year and waited until now to ask me; little shy and insecure
  • Has some flamboyancy to him. Not overpowering but a good amount.
Why I shouldn't:
  • I'd be his third boyfriend this year, even though he hadn't really met me until he was already taken.
  • His last two boyfriends ended up dumping him after a week of them being together
  • Can be awfully bitchy when he's upset
  • Not sure if he would be okay with my parents not wanting me to have a boyfriend
  • His personality is cloudy and I can't read it well
Damn... It's a tie. I need some advice here, people. I went to ask Rita, but she had to flee from the computer because of her crazy family. Hopefully she'll be back later tonight. I mean, I really like him and all but for all I know I could just be a rebound. Or maybe not. We did become pretty good friends quickly, and maybe we should see where this goes.

But I'm not an expert on relationships. My only boyfriend was Ian and that didn't really go well. Then again we hardly knew each other and only really went out because we both liked boys. I'm also pretty hesitant and shy so I'm not really a go-to kind of person. And if Nick isn't a go-to boy either, it's just gonna be awkward.

I had to say something or else he'd be an emotional nerve-wreck wondering why I didn't respond. But I didn't have time since I was behind a counter at the market. I sneaked a text to him:
"I'm at work now I'll have to talk to you on Monday."

Not sure if that message helped my case or not... He just replied with "Ok". Great... Emotionless. And in case I didn't mention, autumn hasn't really been a very "relationship happy" month for couples. Then again I don't believe in mystical forces so maybe I'm just paranoid.

My mind is spiraling at the moment so I'm gonna cut this post short for today. I gotta go shop around for a few things so I'll be back tomorrow.



  1. Whoa! Slow down a bit. A short conversation, then a text and you're (almost) boyfriends?

    Take a moment to get to know him a bit better, spend some time with him, go out on a couple of dates first before you take the plunge. Then, if the chemistry is right, by playing just a little hard to get, you end up being more desirable and not just another one week wonder.

    Use your head not your ... don't let your hormones rule!

  2. I'd say go on a date or two with him without necessarily committing to being "boyfriends". I don't see any dealbreakers in your list of "cons".

    Sure, be cautious, but why not see where it leads? The opportunities you regret later in life are usually the ones you don't take advantage of.

  3. Take it.

    You will regret it if you dont.
