Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Am an Anarchist

Okay... I need to stop spending late nights up. Last night my excuse was being mindfucked by Nine Inch Nails music videos... Go watch "Happiness in Slavery" and shit bricks and possibly vomit. What I find amazing about that video is that it hasn't been removed due to the obvious male nudity in it. I guess since it's obviously not what people remember about the video it didn't matter. I also saw "Come to Daddy" by Aphex Twin and nearly cried...

You know? What the hell:

!!!WARNING!!! MATURE AND OBSCENE CONTENT. 18+ ONLY (But hell, who's stopping you?)

Jen was wearing a white British military coat. I begged her to let my wear it and she gave in. We figured it would be too big since Jen seemed to be a size extra small, but it actually fit well. Little tight around the arms, but it was nice. Apparently I looked stunning and realized the whole class was staring. God am I that sexy? :P Even the English teacher, who will now be addressed as Mr. D, thought it was a nice look for me. He said it made me look like some British star named Andy An-something (one syllable, though.) When I looked the jacket up later I saw it was a woman's jacket. No wonder Rita said it made me look more feminine... I'm still gonna get one.

Okay, I've had it up to here with relationships. Let's see... First drama between Nick and Griffin (then Nick again a week later), then Griffin and Misha, then Rita and her boyfriend, and then today we find out that Jen's boyfriend cheated on her.


Can anyone be happy in a relationship just once? They say when you're single, you always see happy couples, but I haven't seen any yet! Do I even still want to be in a relationship anymore?... Of course. But now I won't be surprised if shit doesn't work out when I am.

Once again I wasn't able to attend the Skills USA meeting. This time when me and Rita went to the meeting, the room was empty and locked. We went to ask the secretary, but she hadn't a clue. Secretary asks 3 more secretaries, just as brain dead. I thought knowing these things was their job! That's why they're right in front of you when you enter the office.

When study period came around, Jen was looking a lot better than earlier. I think she just needed to get some emotions out, wherever she ran off to when she got the news. Me and Rita looked at a huge map of the school's district, and finally decided to do something about Jen's hometown, which was just a little white blotch in the middle of the cities. I whipped out my Post-It pad and wrote the town followed by a "^_^" smiley. I sure hope Jen saw it.

Last day of Golf was today. While leaving the building I peeked in at the GSA club. My heart broke to see only 3 people in there. I can't remember the first two, but I did see a middle school mate of mine. Eric "Shy Boy Sunshine". He a really odd one, and socially awkward. He has barely ever spoken 3 words to anyone, sits by himself, and doesn't do much besides bury himself in a fantasy novel. I only remember seeing him half-enjoy himself when I joined Rita and my ex Ian at a LARP event (Live Action Role-Playing). Though his fun didn't last long when he slipped and busted up his knee. He didn't even cringe when it happened though. Just that same emotionless expression.

I call his Shy Boy Sunshine because of the obvious shyness, and his scrawny features. He's no taller than Liam. Ever see the movie "A Girl Like Me: Gwen Araujo", a drama about the life of a pre-op transgender man to woman, and her tear-jerking murder. Well Eric reminds me of the boy who plays little Gwen, at the time known as Eddie Araujo, in the movie. Here:

From what I know about him he wouldn't go to a GSA meeting just because he supports it. I think it may be because he needs some support. I thought from the second I saw him that he was gay, and that was before I knew that I myself was gay, too. You know? With Golf being over now, I might just try to attend a GSA meeting. But I don't know if I can expect myself to do it. I'll try, though.

Mr. D said that my brother asked what he thought of me. When I asked him what he told my brother, he said I should just ask Kav. And when I did, he said,

"Oh yeah, he called you an anarchist."

... Anarchist, huh? Has a nice ring to it. Oh and would you look at that! I just so happen to have a shirt with a big old Anarchist logo on it. Well I know what I'm wearing tomorrow!



  1. Well,that video was certainly...interesting.Disturbing,well that's a bit of an understatement,more like traumatizing.

    Shy Boy Sunshine,that seems to describe me last year.Except I wasn't socially awkward and it wasn't fantasy books.

    An anarchist?It does have a nice ring to it,though I'm not entirely certain what it means.

  2. Your English teacher might have been thinking of "Adam Ant". He was part of the "New Romantics" movement of the early 80s which was all military style dress jackets and fluffy pirate shirts.

    An anarchist is someone who doesn't believe in government - of any kind. They're the ultimate non-conformists, which sounds a bit like Tortoise. Anarchists were the first modern terrorists - they went round blowing stuff up in the 19th century.

    I'm not sure if you want or need encouragement from the sidelines to go to a GSA meeting, but it seems like something to try at least once. You might get more out of it than you think.

  3. An anarchist is not a bad thing to be. Someone who wants to totally change the whole way society is organised.

    You are lucky. You understand what is wrong with the world, how fucked it is. That gives you the responsibility to try to make it a better place. Find out about anarchism and other political philosophies, and do something, make it more than just a slogan. Go to the GSA and help make your school a better place for gays to be. /rant
