Friday, October 15, 2010

Why Being an Individual Kicks Ass

This is just the perfect Anarchy song that isn't actually about Anarchy.

Boys Night Out - Medicating

Well now it seems Rita is my partner in Anarchy. As we are Anarchists, we usually just joke about the whole thing to make time go by.

Me: "What's with Mr. D doing making us all write the same paper for him?... Conforming us to describe the future hellhole of society because of his authority."

Rita let me wear her friend Rex's leather trench coat today. Rex was letting her borrow it but since it's kind of heavy she let's me wear it during school. I apparently look diabolic/sexy in it. I was twice told I looked like "a boss". That slang reeked of a failed attempt at making a fad...

You know what's great about being totally different from everyone else? When you actually do find someone you can relate to in a way, shit feels great. Even the smallest of things. Like in Algebra today. Since I was in the leather coat Jen wore my flannel hoodie. While searching through the pockets Jen found my phone, which Rita just so happened to also be getting.

Note: I have a kick ass phone which no one else has because it was never advertised. You'd only know about it if you found it while browsing in the AT&T store.

"Hey, cool I'm getting that same one!" She said. So I was able to assure her of it's badassness. Then Jen pulls my Sony Walkman out of my treasure-chest of a jacket, which gives her an eyegasm because I am the only one else on the planet who has that exact model. So instead of math, she decides to listen to it while covering the earplugs with my hoodie. At one point she was headbanging so I peek at the Walkman and see "Sin" by Nine Inch Nails. Approved :)

At the end of class Jen mentioned that I hooked her on NIN (not surprised by the song choice) and asked me if I had the charger.

"Two, actually"....

I kid you not, she completely shit bricks when I said that and asked if she could borrow one. And when I said yes, she shat the remainder of her bricks and was happier than a preteen on acid. She hadn't been able to use hers in months because she lost hers. Now we're closer than ever ^_^

And that's why conformism is bullshit, kids :)

At the end of the day during Chemistry, we were out of goggles and I was the only one without a pair. Lucky for me Rita had a costume pair of steampunk goggles which combined with my trench coat made me look like a major badass. I joked and said that I was:

"Buildin' a sentry."

I didn't expect anyone to get it but I heard a voice say: "E-e-rectin' a dispenser!" First time out of all my Team Fortress 2 references I had gotten a response. We went back and forth with even more Engineer comments:

"Teleporter goin' up!"
"Spy's sappin' my sentry!"

... At least 90% of those reading that will have no idea what makes it so funny, but if you play the game it makes you piss yourself to hear it somewhere else than from the computer speakers.

After school I got a call form my sister saying she was gonna drive me home today. Couldn't have worked out better since I needed to pick up those Skills USA forms. But when I left the building, I found myself in an empty lot of trashed cars, a rusty oil tank, broken gravel, and garbage... It was a pretty hardcore spot; I actually wanted to sit down and have a drink by the rusty tank. But I had to make my way to my sister's car.

Apparently she called me 3 times before she gave up and left. So I called back and the conversation went as follows:

Amy: "Where the fuck were you?"
Me: "Sorry, I had to get the Skills application."
Amy: "Well I called you 3 fucking times! Why didn't you answer?"
Me: "It was on vibrate and I couldn't feel it. Sorry."
Amy: "I left, you know?"
Me: "Well I'm in the parking lot now soooo...."
Amy: "Alright, I'll be there in like, five fucking seconds!"
Me: "Hey, FUCK OFF! Alright? I don't need this bullshit Amy! Now turn your ass arou—"
*conversation ended*

I pretty much wasted the rest of my day reading hilarious comics on the glorious Scandinavian themed "". Honestly I learned way more about my paradise than I expected since I really limited myself to Sweden and Finland. Here's a little taste featuring Denmark, Norway, and Iceland:

Here's the comic with the description for those who didn't get the joke


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