Monday, October 18, 2010

So I Said Yes

What do you focus on here? The song or the video?

Sorry if it disgusts you... It did me, too. You won't forget the face...

I just want to take the time to respond to a couple comments from my last post.

Billy said...
Whoa! Slow down a bit. A short conversation, then a text and you're (almost) boyfriends?
Take a moment to get to know him a bit better, spend some time with him, go out on a couple of dates first before you take the plunge. Then, if the chemistry is right, by playing just a little hard to get, you end up being more desirable and not just another one week wonder.
Use your head not your ... don't let your hormones rule!

Chris said...
I'd say go on a date or two with him without necessarily committing to being "boyfriends". I don't see any dealbreakers in your list of "cons".
Sure, be cautious, but why not see where it leads? The opportunities you regret later in life are usually the ones you don't take advantage of.

It's not like we never spoke to each other until just last night. We've been friends ever since he got with Griffin weeks ago. And to be honest, no one really ever goes on dates before considering each other for a relationship anymore. The system we usually go by is ask someone out, and then if they agree to be your boyfriend, then you can plan together time. It's pretty much been the case with every couple I've ever seen.

So I did say yes to Nick. When I first walked into school I was sucked into his little circle of people where we conversed until the bell rang. Then as we were heading up to our classrooms I casually said, "Oh yeah Nick, my answer is yes" for added humor. He had the biggest smile until we parted to homeroom.

So I wasn't actually in welding for exploratory today. It was actually Culinary. The class was split between those going to work in the bakery and those going to work in the restaurant. Pedro and Misha were in the bakery with a few others while I was with Hunter, and Pedro's girlfriend Melodie. There were supposed to be a couple others with us but they weren't here today.

I am impressed at how before I could take two steps into the class, the instructors could piss me off. They told me I wasn't allowed to wear my new women's snow hat I bought yesterday or have my backpack on me. So I had to find my locker for the first time and run all the way back to an already started class. Hmph...

So instead of actually doing meaningful culinary work, we were just used the whole day. First we slaved over two boxes of collard greens, removing their stems. Then we carried supplies delivered this morning, and picked up the trash. And oh boy did everything have to be perfectly squeaky clean! And guess who had to do it?

I figured there would actually be something involving making food rather than just being little helpers for the day. And while that happened Misha and the others got to bake cookies to take home.

During lunch I left my table to go sit with Nick and his table. He made room for me to squeeze in next to him. I never knew he was friends with look-alike-of-me Ian. He recognized me from the trench coat day. :P And I found out that Nick was having his brother pierce his ear after school. I imagined a sewing needle in a dusty bedroom for some reason. I just hope he knows how to take care of it because if it gets infected like mine did he'd have to take it out. Lucky for me mine got infectd long after I pierced it so I just had to clean it out with alcohol.

You wanna know the real bitch about this? Tomorrow Misha's group gets to help cook for a barbecue and eat, too. With my luck our group will be doing grunt work in the bakery, too.

Misha was awfully interested in me being with Nick. She said she was worried about me, and didn't want me to get hurt. If anything I feared I would be the one to fuck things up in a relationship. I think it really just had to do with Griffin seeing as they got together right after Nick and Griffin broke up. Maybe Griffin's story was a bit exaggerated. But I refuse to get paranoid.

Rita was all on board, though. She told me he can talk a lot. So I joked back "I'll shut him up" with a wink. Rita laughed saying I better. :P


1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I personally wouldn't say that it disgusted me. More like disturbed. How in the world did you even find this?

    And I agree with your dating/relationship system. Nobody ever goes out with someone just for the sake of going out. Theres always a motive behind it.
