Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Liam's a Homophobe, huh?

From: Chris

How shall I put this?


This is how you reward your loyal audience of thousands? hundreds? dozens? both of us? Holding out on us at the exact moment you hint as some particularly juicy piece of gossip? I'm *totally* going to unfriend you now.

(Back tomorrow, same time, same place).
You see... What happened that night was supposed to be a secret. And if a certain someone were to read this while skimming through my monthly internet history, it might be a bit of trouble, seeing as it would cause a commotion over me and Luke. The other two probably won't have that bad of problems seeing as they don't have a very big status. Luke on the other hand is high in the social rankings, and not to mention has a girlfriend. I will tell you that he had to "tend" to himself shortly after it happened, which gave off a gaydar signal.

Even if he denies it, he still doesn't even know how one's sexuality works. When I told him that being gay wasn't a choice, he was surprised to find this out. So he obviously wouldn't know if he was gay/bisexual if he was. I just hope if he is, that he finds out before he grows old and it's too late to be open about it. I ought to give him the facts and let him figure out the rest on his own. The information would be good for him, straight or not. Prevents him from putting his foot in his mouth if the topic ever comes up.

Rita was awfully sad today. Apparently her and her boyfriend fought with each other and aren't talking. Though she wanted to break up with him anyway, she didn't want to end things so harshly. But for all we know they could patch things up or they could move on like Rita wanted. but until then all I could do was cheer Rita up with Post-It note doodles and my incredible sense of humor ^_^

Ugh, straight people...

So yesterday during Latin I greeted Sneha with a hug, to which Liam responded, "Are you guys going out?" Sneha mentioned I was gay and Liam's face drained and looked so shocked. As I figured he would get over it he apparently didn't. First thing he did in Latin today was request a seat change. It may have been thought to sit with one of his friends, but he was willing to take any open seat. I'm sure the teacher, remind you she's also the leader of the GSA, wouldn't be too pleased to know why he REALLY wanted to switch.

I was going to confront him but I felt I didn't want to cause more trouble. Though now that I think about it he wouldn't dare throw a punch seeing as he's scrawny and short while I top him by 5 inches and have more muscle. Though I'm not a fighter, I can and will throw a punch if I have to. The consequences can wait. Maybe I can have Brad, a friend from middle school and the boy who sits in front of me, ask him why he switched seats. Liam doesn't have any reason to lie to Brad and is too stupid to consider it a trap.

When Rita entered history, she was much more lively and cheery then this morning. "She put her arms around me and Sneha and said, "Hey guys!" in an very more-colorful-than-Rita tone. I asked why she was so jumpy and she told us how she slept through French and felt totally refreshed. I made a mental not to remember that method.

Well shit... I forgot to attend the Skills USA meeting during lunch. Well not so much as forgot as misunderstanding the time. I thought it was after school but Rita told me otherwise. Oh well, there's another meeting tomorrow so I'll make sure to go. I just hope nothing happens during lunch I wouldn't want to miss... Dammit I probably jinxed that.


1 comment:

  1. What do they say on Facebook? "It's complicated". Covers such a wide variety of situations. I know you've got your reasons for being discrete, but its still fun to tease you about it. Sounds like you had fun though. :)

    Speaking of the GSA, did you ever end up going to one of their meetings? You haven't mentioned it since the time you changed your mind at the last minute and decided not to go.
