Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday Night Infection!

The most brutal of all parties! With the most brutal music! And the most BRUTAL....

"Hello! Welcome to Overworld!"

Red-headed drag queen? FUCK YES! Honestly, it was the best way to start the night. I got the lowdown form Mr... um, Miss.... Um... Alexi, and was sent upstairs.

"Now remember, try not to die. If you are bitten you will most likely become a zombie."

... No fucking way :D

And who was I first to meet? None other than Rita, Jen, and Bagel Boy Ian. And who else was that? Was it the beautiful blond Rex I hear about form Rita every single day? Yes, yes it was. First, he is about 5' 7" (170 cm for normal people), and does indeed have beautiful AND long straight blond hair. He is skinny as hell, and has a face that just screams evil... Yet hot.

But I even met some good old friends who I missed so very much but hadn't realized. First, Ian, the ex boyfriend who is completely not awkward to talk to now. Next, I saw my old friend Louise, the first and only lesbian I ever met. Poor her and another friend Jasmina broke up. They were so cute together! Next (and this I was probably most happy to see) was my close friend Shaira.

"Christian!" She was sitting on a table scattered with paint and makeup.
"Oh. My. God! Shaira!"

I ran up to her and gave her a nice long hug. Oh, *wipes tear* I don't like to get all emotional... *sniff* Okay I'm fine. We talked for a straight minute pretty much saying the exact same thing. "Oh my gosh I missed you so much. It's been forever. I love you SOOOO much!"

Me and Shaira go back to 7th grade. And we practically were inseparable friends by 8th. It was actually through her that I met Rita. And it was just the saddest thing when we parted ways last summer to head to our new schools. But we seem to both be doing just great. She even has a boyfriend now, too. (But wait, I thought she was Rita's husband?... Inside joke everyone.)

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I knew right away she did but I had that little bit of doubt in me as well. "I'm Kelsi."
I smiled. "Christian."
"Oh... My god. Christian?!" She gave me a tight squeeze. "I missed you so much!"

Me and Kelsi go back even farther than me and Shaira. We've been friends since before third grade. And we've been ever so close until she moved to a different school. We hadn't seen each other since January.

"Holy shit you've changed so much!" She said to me.
"I know, I'm sexy as shit now!" I joked back.
"You are!" Hey now. No hetero ;)
"You've changed a whole lot, too!" I said before we hugged again.

The role playing at this party was top-notch. There was:

Alexi the Red Headed Drag Queen: Basically the title says it all.
Top Hat: A real stickler for order and rules. Not everyone's favorite but he really adds to the theme.
Elf: Not really an elf at all. he just reminded me of one. He's a total badass with a mohawk and camouflage and green cargo combat clothing.
Dr. Samuel: An old friend of mine. He was just born to act. He's awfully nerdy but it's a very positive thing about him, it gives him the sort of ability to be such a convincing character. He led the zombie hunt and took hunters down a hall to save a maiden at the end while shooting the head off mindless badass freaks.

Wait a sec... did you say... ZOMBIE hunt?
"Make me a zombie," I said clearly to Dr. Sam.
"You want to be a zombie? Come with me."

I was given a shirt and sent to Shaira for a makeover. She does a fanTASTIC job with a paintbrush. My flesh looked rotting and infected (and cute). I was told to put makeup on my other eye to make it more noticeable, so I took a brush and made the effect of tears of blood... and very messy too ;)

"Hhaatrch!" *limp limp limp* "Sreeeeeaaaaah!" *click click* "Rah!" *falls*

Basically how it all went down. After a while though I got creative and hid in a recycling bin. During our waiting time before the next group of humans came in, we were making all sorts of weird animal sounds. So when it was my turn:

"Squeak squeak." *shot* "Gaaah!!"

A barrage of bullets came my way. But I was a smart thinker. I rammed into the bin several times before it finally tipped over.

"Gah! Dammit!" I yelled as I hit the ground. I crawled out and around the bin and ran down the hall, avoiding few bullets. When I was safe, ex boyfriend Ian and I teamed up and we attacked the hunting group, killing them all.

The game kept progressing with each team to the point where it was an all out war leading onto the dance floor. After the game got out of control, it was announced we would be having a game of capture the flag for the revolution. I, because of my Anarchy gloves, had no choice but to join my fellow "terrorists".

And if we won, we were promised an every day life ruled by a red-headed drag queen.

"And if that's not a reason to fight I don't know what is!" Alexi yelled.

The big bad government won in the end but it was incredible fun. But that wasn't the end of the night... We were all dancing and having fun when all of a sudden, Top Hat lunged a sword at our Red Headed Drag Queen Alexi.

"I challenge you to a duel!" Top Hat proclaimed as he pointed his sword at Alexi. Everyone knew what was about to go down. A total badass sword fight between two very interesting characters. Oh yeah... here it comes....


Guess not. *facepalm* Alexi ran around in circles away from Top Hat as he chased her with his prop sword. It was kind of a downer since I really wanted to watch this, but it was so funny it was just as good. Finally Top Hat caught Alexi and struck him/her. He then stood proudly over his fallen opponent and raised his sword in the air.

"I'm taking over this ship!" *cue awesome pirate victory music*

It was honestly the coolest party I had ever been to.


PS: Sorry this post was so late. I just finished it and I still have to write Saturdays post because it's very important. I just have to make it Blogger friendly.

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