Tuesday, October 26, 2010

They Just Don't Know it's Not a Choice

My clock reads 12:30 AM... I took a nap around 8 PM last night and apparently that turned into a 5 hour deep sleep. I would've just stayed in bed but besides the burning sensation in my stomach, I forgot to shower. But everyone's asleep so I'm gonna wait until 3 AM to do it.... MWUHAHAHAH! >:D

Nick's hugs just mean that much more to me after homecoming last Friday. I never want to let go anymore. But then again it's not the most comfortable thing to do in front of people anyway.

Did I mention I'm sick? Yeah, I'm STILL sick. But I refuse to stay home form school since I always miss something important, schoolwork is too hard to make up at this school, and I'd miss Nick way too much. Then again what's the point of going if you're gonna spend the whole day asleep?

I spent most of Algebra with my head in my arms, then was practically curled up in a ball during Gym. The teacher came up to me and asked if I was alright. I told her about my cold and she told me to go to the nurse. But I honestly didn't feel like going since I'd probably just end up getting a pack of crackers and a cough drop. So I just put on my headphones until I felt a lot of thumping around me signaling for the end of class.

I was more awake in History today. Only thing was there was a sub and my energy went into chatting with Rita and Joaquin. I was constantly turned around by the sub and told to do my work but I didn't even have a clue what to do so I just waited until he was gone. Didn't get anything done, but on the bright side I might be able to go to a party after work on Friday ^_^

At lunch I decided to play cute with Nick and tickle his thigh from under the table. He kept slapping me away, egging on that whole "not yet" scene he does which I can tell is total bullshit. He wants it badly but is too scared to "go too fast". Well to me he's going a bit slow... Sorry I'm just still trying to get that kiss.

Which even Jen agrees he should do by now, and she was the one who told him not to rush things. She said that she was gonna tell him to just do it but I told her it would kind of ruin any romance in it.

And fuck me sideways with a screwdriver! Apparently Amy isn't driving me and Kav home from school until tomorrow. So I missed the bus. I called mum but she said she was coming up to the high school to watch Amy's soccer game. When she said that I just took my phone and chucked it across the parking lot... Probably should have hung up first.

After scouring through grass looking for the pieces of my phone, which luckily could be put back together, I headed inside the building to use the computers. Suddenly I was stopped by this tall, built kid with bleached hair who was reading a magazine in the corner of the library.

"Hey, kid," he said. I immediately recognized his face from homecoming. I remembered his look of surprise when he saw me and Nick hanging on to each other and laughed on the inside.

"Hey... Are you gay?" Just gonna jump right into it, huh? Alright, let's go.
I made a little gesture that told him that I knew that he already knew the answer. "Yeah."
"And so is that other kid, uh... Your boyfriend, um what's his name?"
"Errr, not sure if I should tell you."
He waved me closer to him. "Sit down, talk to me."

Now, I normally love to hear what straight people have to say on the subject of gays and lesbians, but this kid had that obvious douchebag essence to him so I didn't really feel on-easy about him.

"It's Nick, right?"
Oh well, you already got it. "Yeah."
"So... I just don't get it? You mean you don't like girls at all?"
"You don't like their asses?" Oh, real nice there, buddy...
"But you like guys' asses, right?"
"Well, depends on the ass."

"Well, hey, if you like taking dick up the butt that's your thing."
"And if you like sticking your in that gross, disgusting flap between a woman's legs that's your bit."

I glared at him and he just sat there looking at me like I just killed someone. After letting it sink in I got up and left for somewhere. I walked in circles for a while before I sat myself in the main hallway and started typing away on my phone. After about ten minutes or so blondie somehow appeared beside me.

"You know I could change you, and your boyfriend."
"No you can't."
"I could hook you up with a really hot girl."
"You don't get it, do you? I was born this way and it's not something you can change."
"It's not?" Seriously, is every straight guy like this?
"No. I was born liking guys that same way you were born liking girls."
"Oh... You don't say much. Is it because I'm not gay?"
"No it's because you're a dick."
"I'm a dick?"
"Well, I'm not gay or nothing so..."

At this point I just sort of drowned him out since he was talking out his ass. But honestly, how come every straight guy who thinks gay people are some sort of freaks just really doesn't know that they can't change even if they wanted to? I need to remember that...

Well I have to get back to sleep now.



  1. Well I guess running into someone who is poorly informed and confused is better than someone hostile and aggressive.

    I agree - Nick is definitely slacking in the kiss department. It's kind of funny really that he's comfortable hugging you all night in front of anybody and everybody, but he's shy about kissing you.

    I was mulling over the nickname question (and of course "muffin" may be old news by now). But if you want to continue the baked goods theme here are some suggestions: scone, cupcake, bagel, baguette, donut, pretzel, brownie, cookie. Some may work better than others. :)

  2. I'm amazed you could have that conversation with that guy, and that he started it. Something like that was unthinkable when I was your age. He sounds like he really was curious about you and wanted to understand. He didn't sound aggressive about it. Maybe you are educating him in a good way. Maybe he will discuss it with his friends and they will learn too. This sounds like good progress to me.

  3. Hey Tort,

    I love the last word in each of your stories - "Live" (beats the hell out of "BRAVO ZULU"). I'm jealous, because it's something I failed to do as a kid. Economics and self repression had something to do with it.

    I would be willing to bet you a dollar to a doughnut that "Blondie" is at least a deeply closeted bisexual - if not totally gay. It also appears that he doesn't have a mean bone in his body (so to speak). I'm guessing that's why he actually talked to you rather than bitching obscenities, kicking your teeth out and breaking your nose.

    Look at what he's saying. Although you've acknowledged his "heteroness", he keeps trying to convince you he's NOT gay. Question is - - - is it you he's REALLY trying to convince? I don't think so. The next time you and him meet up and he wants "to talk", challenge him (it's a war zone now). Say: "You know, I could change you, and your girlfriend" - if he indeed, has one. Then go where the conversation takes you. Remember, you are in control now. It's your turn to drive him up the wall.

    I think Nick doesn't want to offend the PDA'ers (people who are offended at "public displays of {gay} affection") during lunch period. Just think of the food fight that would incur, should such a display take place.

    On another subject........ Have you ever given thought to becoming a professional writer, more precisely, a screen writer? To me, you have this AMAZING ability to put "life" into words. Your words "paint" the scene, and I can easily see it. And your stories usually contain strips of dialogue with interactions - the stuff that scripts are made of. [ - never end a preposition with a sentence - ]

    "BRAVO ZULU" :)
    - - - - - - - "FOGGY"
