Finally! A way to attend Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" without having to go out to DC. Apparently there's going to be satellite broadcasts all over the Us, including Boston! Now all I have to do is convince mum to take me there. If she says no I'll have a fit >_<

He is not in trouble with the police but he may get a hammer from the school.
We had cosmetology today. Hooray! It reminded me so much of my hair dresser's place. The cosmo-teacher even styled her hair the same way mine does.
Since it was a delayed opening we just painted fake nails until lunch. And I can't paint nails to save my life!
After lunch Misha told me how Cameron (the Nazi) made our Chinese friend Elena cry by mocking her for eating dogs. Now of course Misha explained how it's been noted that the more poverty-stricken areas have eaten dogs for survival, but of course not every Chinese person does. She supposedly made another person cry as well but I'm not sure who exactly.
First her and a few others demanded that he apologize, yet instead he laughed at her and all of them. So Misha's emotions boiled up to the point where she stepped up and gave him a good slap right across the face.
Misha went into further explanation to the cosmo-teacher of how this boy is racist toward every nationality and culture that isn't his to the point where she began crying. I hugged her and let her get it out for a bit until she could speak again.
Pedro, a Puerto Rican boy in our class got really riled up over this and wanted to help since Misha and I are pretty good friends with him. Now, Pedro is a pretty dangerous person. He was expelled from his previous school because he got into a serious fight and almost killed someone. And had to attend anger management classes. Ever since he got to Minuteman, he has done well in avoiding violence, or at least keeping it out of school, with the help of his counselors and his girlfriend. But upon hearing this, he was willing to set this aside to put this kid in his place. Of course I wouldn't want him to get in trouble for fighting but then again, it's the only way to get through to some people sometimes. Cameron would be one of them.
So we all headed to the Dean's office and explained the situation. And conveniently, we found Ian sitting by the secretary. I asked him if he was okay and he gave me a "sort of" response.
Me, Misha, and Pedro all waited in a room and waited for Cameron to report there. Pedro was telling us how much he hates this room because it feels so scary. I couldn't blame him; aside from the few bookshelves and a desk in the corner's, all the room was was an empty space with a table and two chairs on opposing sides in the middle of it. For added effect there was only one light turned on in the room, which was directly over the table. They also had a two-way mirror. It was pretty cheaply made, though because you could faintly see through the reflective side. then again it was only possible if you studied it closely.
When Cameron arrived, he had that same, half-smile he always carried around. I call it the "douche smile" since it's usually for those who have bad intentions. No matter how much Misha didn't want to be alone, Pedro and I were sent back to Cosmo so the matter could be discussed. On our way out, we saw Ian exiting the office. He had an expression on his face that meant he was in serious trouble, but probably not expelled. I just hope I read that right.
At 2:15, I excused myself to check on Misha and saw Cameron walking away from the office on my way there. They better have given him a good throw of the book or I'd be pissed. Especially with the new anti-bullying laws in place. When I went into the office I saw Sneha waiting outside the Dean's room. I asked her where Misha was and she pointed to the room resembling an interrogation room.
Misha told me what happened so far and how her parents were going to be notified. She wasn't worried, though since her parents would agree that this boy deserved it. "I don't regret it," she said. So even if her parents were upset with her she refused to feel bad. I offered to gather her stuff back up and drop it off in case she was going to stay there past the final bell.
When I came back Sneha was still outside the Dean's room and Misha was still in the scary room. We said our in-case goodbyes and I wished her luck. I guess it wasn't so lucky because when I told Ibn the news after school he said that Misha was also suspended for the slap. Figures, by law the school kind of had to no matter how much of scum Cameron was. Great. Now she has to delay meeting with Griffin for another week.
And on that thought I realized Griffin is going to be super pissed when he finds out Misha was crying because of this kid. That on top of Pedro's current stance, I think this kid is in trouble. He better have a long suspension because if either of them even catch sight of Cameron, they'll beat him within an inch of his life.
I'm not sure how to feel about this anymore. Yes Cameron deserves to be punished but Pedro and Griffin are hardcore when they fight. All I really want is this kid to drink his medicine and smarten up. Though I don't know how else he can get the message unless it comes at him at 30 miles per hour.
And Misha is in even more hell than ever. First she is fearing that she might lose Griffin (and so soon, too), and now she's getting suspended for doing what everyone else wanted to do. All hell is breaking loose and I'm really not able to stop it. I think I need some sleep.
UPDATE: Good news! Misha being suspended was just a rumor. Well good! But she's not going to be in school tomorrow still because she'll be in Canada. Lucky... So we'll just cross her off that list. I'll have to tell Rita, Solomon, Jen, and the others tomorrow. They still think she is.
Doesn't mean everything's all happy and good. Cameron still made people cry. Thankfully Pedro wasn't told that Misha got suspended or he may have done something sooner. Though he'll probably still get real on this kid.
So things have calmed down, though Misha is still trying to get a hold of Griffin. But things will work out soon hopefully. And I think I smell dinner. Goodnight!
Doesn't mean everything's all happy and good. Cameron still made people cry. Thankfully Pedro wasn't told that Misha got suspended or he may have done something sooner. Though he'll probably still get real on this kid.
So things have calmed down, though Misha is still trying to get a hold of Griffin. But things will work out soon hopefully. And I think I smell dinner. Goodnight!
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