Friday, September 10, 2010

And I'm Back

It’s been a few months now but I'm here, once again. Some of you may know me but then again a lot of you don’t. So let’s just start over.

I’m Christian. I’m 14 years old. I am just starting high school in a week. I just got a job at a produce market recently as well. Big twist? I’m gay. well who isn’t these days? I am out to my parents and friends and a couple siblings but my siblings won’t talk about it. Which is fine since it’s kind of awkward to talk to them, or any family really. My mom is actually a different story. She talks to me all the time about it. She just wants to understand me more since I never actually talked to her at all until I dropped the big bomb on her. Though I think she really has the wrong idea with me. She keeps telling herself that it’s just a phase. Which is fine but she did make one remark that I’m not a very “gay” person. I believe she meant I wasn’t a flamboyant homosexual. That always sets me off when people think gay people have to be very feminine. But here’s the thing. People always tell me that I am the most masculine gay person they ever saw. Which I do understand. I don’t seem like a gentle person at first. But I’m not tough, in fact I cry way too often, and I have never fought anyone. So yeah my mind doesn’t really match my appearance.

Now I say I’m here again. That’s because I did have a recent blog of my middle school days that lasted for a short while. But then my mom in all her nosiness decided to put spyware on my computer, which allowed her to find my blog. I was okay with her reading it in fact I thought it was pretty nice at first that now she could know me better through my blog. But then she wanted to talk about what I was writing. She told me that my writing was inappropriate and I was rude. So I had to scrap the blog to prevent further ridicule from her.

If she finds this blog she had better keep it to herself or I’m probably going to have a word with her. Somehow I’ve realized that I can stand up to her if I believe she is making unfair decisions and demands. But that doesn’t mean I’m rebellious or anything. I can just get up in someone’s face if I need to.

I won’t post again until next week. This is just a message stating my return. If there are any questions you would like to ask me leave a comment and I will reply as quickly as I can.


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