Friday, September 10, 2010

"Out of My Shell" Now Powered by Blogger

Because Google can do anything. And when they can't do something, they buy it.


Well, this is the last blog-hosting website I want to have to use. So if this goes down I'll be pretty pissed. I don't want anything to do with Wordpress ever again.

Due to an issue with malware and popups, I had to take down my Nibblebit blog. So posting will continue from this address from now on.

I tried to export the blog but since Wordpress is just looking for ways to screw me, I had to copy/paste every post and everything in the sidebar. It's all there, just don't go back to Nibble.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Tort welcome home! Good to see you in blogger. I put your blog back n2 my blog list. Nibblebit was good when it first started. But then the ads n' $h!† getting in ppl's face really sucked. I'm glad ur back n' blogger. :)
