Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Okay My Brother is Such a Dick

"It's all about glitter and anal."

Oh shit I never even started to fix my essay up and it's due tomorrow! I need a drink! Grr... Well at least I realized it now and not past midnight.

So here's the story. I never got why my brother hated Ian. He's probably one of the coolest kids around. I guess it can't be too hard to see since you can tell just by looking at them they're complete opposites. Ian is more of the scene kid and Kav is more of the I-don't-care type.

Side note: I never understood why my brother cares so little about himself. I mean, he'll eat whatever and just gorge himself on snacks until he's sick, he doesn't shower as well as he should (don't know if he uses soap :\), he doesn't care about what he wears as long as it fits, and I swear if he doesn't shave those pubes off his face I'll scream. I mean, I know it's stupid to care too much about your appearance. But he does nothing to at least look decent.

Anyway, you know how Ian sells bagels right? Yeah he gets them from a shop close to his house every morning and then charges a bit more at school. He also works in the bakery I believe. So my brother bought a bagel form him today.

He then proceeded to throw it on the ground, and stomp on it repeatedly like a spaz. I hope he realized it was in the middle of the cafeteria and half of EVERYBODY turned their heads. Apparently "it was funny" and he got a nice laugh out of it. Keyword he. And only he. Wasn't all that funny when an adviser chewed him out and had him scrape the bagel-cake up.

Ian just shrugged and said, "As long as he paid me I don't care what he does with it."

I mean everyone else got a laugh out of it but you know... He's MY brother! It kind of looks bad on me when shit like that happens. Right in front of me, too. I kind of wish Amy (older sister FYI) had lunch with us, too. She would've had a piece of him. But I won't tell her because I just think it would cause a bunch of arguments.

One of my brother's friends came up to me in study and told me he thought it was pretty stupid of him to just make a fool of himself. "I dunno," he said. "He seemed like a pretty cool guy last year. Now he's just acting like a loser all of a sudden."

Oh well. Doesn't matter. No one really knows we're related so as far as anyone knows my family is only as fucked up as anyone else'.


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