Sunday, September 19, 2010


Duct tape is so much fun to put on yourself. And for some reason I like removing it too x_x

My hair was a monster this morning. I looked like a freaking mushroom! I was barely able to tame it before work came along. I ran into my 8th grade science teacher there as well. I didn't say hi though since I never read my employee handbook so I wasn't sure if it was against the rules.

All day I was hoping to get something else to do besides bag boy, and I got my wish... Except it was towing carts. Let me say I can't push a shopping cart to save my life. More than two at least. So I just kept the carts neatly by other carts to make it seem like I did a good job.

My checks keep looking like they're less than they should be. Yeah it gives me my whole Sunday's pay but... Where the fuck are the Saturdays and Fridays? Better be going straight into the bank or I'll flip a bitch because 10 hours of work is not worth 60 bucks.

For homework over the weekend we were supposed to check our English grades online. We recently handed in our essays so I wanted to know what the grade was anyways. Let's see:

Homework: Perfect
Journal Entries: Over-perfect (extra credit)
Summer Reading Test: F(40%) aww :(
Essay: 70%.....

Overall: 76%

The fuck?! I put my left leg into that damn thing! I better get a decent explanation on Monday. I know I didn't have my handwritten rough draft but that definitely wasn't worth more than 10%. And we better get another writing assignment so I can at least get a solid B for the term.

Oh I am ready to rage... the title basically just says it all. I think I've been using that too much. Not just on here but everywhere. I watched this over 10 times this weekend

Yeah I loved that movie, too. And for those that don't get it the boy had taken a vow of silence and wouldn't speak until he got into the Air Force. And you can't fly if you're color blind. But I must say out of all the first words that was the best.


1 comment:

  1. Haha you better hope you stay hairless. All I have to do is think about ripping duct tape off my skin and I wince. I cannot understand how people have themselves waxed. I don't like pain.

    That's life working for the man. Well, for most of us. You are never, ever paid enough to make up for what you lose. But if you want the $$$...
