Friday, September 10, 2010

Brian Coming for a Visit?

You ever listen to those bands in which it doesn’t matter what song is playing? It all just sounds awesome? Probably the best feeling a person like me who feeds off music can get.

My dad woke me up this morning asking me some sort of question. I didn’t understand him so I asked again. He repeated himself. “What?” I asked again. He just said ‘never mind’ and left my room. So I went back to sleep. Or did I? Was I dreaming? Because if I was it’s pretty pathetic for me to dream about waking up.

I finally got my wish today in exploratory. I finally got to use an iMac. So pretty, and nice programs, and a messed up track ball. My finger was too big and it wouldn’t scroll down but when I wanted to scroll up it shot me to the top of the page. And I didn’t realize I could right click until I set the right side of the mouse to right click. Honestly, why is it an option to turn that off?

The teacher was a major B I T C H. I had my hat on for a photo and since I didn’t take it off right away when I came back into the room she felt it was necessary to yell. So I hissed and made a claw with my hand behind her back.

As an introduction, we’re making calendars. I decided to do mine after the Swedish film “Let the Right One In”. Or “Let Me In” to some since they never heard there was a better option. But I’ve ranted too many times about it to do it again. Some of the pictures I included were a bit bloody, but not really enough to disgust. Just in case I’m gonna wait until I’m already finished for her to be able to sneak a peek at it. It’ll be too late for me to redo it so she can either let it go or not let me print it at all in which I can just send it home.

At the end of the day, this boy Chris, who I schooled with last year, came up to me. Now, I find Chris to be one of the most annoying people I have ever met. It wouldn’t normally bother me but he knows it annoys me yet he continues to test me.

“Hey, Christian that sign says you have to be 36 inches away from that power box.”

“Good to know, Chris.”

“You need to move away you’re too close.”

“You’re a bit too close to me.”

“Yeah but I’m not too close to the power box.” At this point I just turned away but nope. He just had to push the envelope. He snatched my hat off my head. “No hats in school until the bell rings.” (It was no more than 30 seconds until the bell rings.) Know one thing about me:

You do NOT fuck with me and my hat.

“Chris.” I snatched my hat back. “You think I really give a shit? Why do you feel the need to do this? There isn’t anyone else whose hat you can take?”

“But there’s no one else to take it from.” He looked around and saw a boy right next to him with a hat. He reached for it then pulled away. The bell rang so he just walked.

“Exactly, Chris.”

Last night I got a message from my good friend Brian. I met Brian just last year and in no time we were like brothers. He was one of the first people I came out to and may have been the only person who me coming out to him didn’t change anything between us. With everyone else there was some sort of step back. But toward the end of the year he announced he had to move back to Ohio to live with his dad. It was probably the biggest downer I ever got. But now he said that he might be going to stay at his mother’s back here in Massachusetts for a weekend. Him, me, and a small group of other friends planned on getting together if he returns.

If this gets a ‘no’ from Brian’s dad I’ll probably break something.


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