Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's Either a Voice in My Head or a Tumor

"Oh my god! Don't even joke about things like that!" Get over it...

Had a delayed opening at school today. Whatever the reason I got to skip English and Math (guess I'm safe for not doing my homework for another day). I went into the engineering room to work on my little Lego claw from yesterday so I could program it to carry 3 blocks into 2 bins with a single button. Conveniently the program was by Lego.

I was practically snapping my mouse in half since the teacher was taking FOREVER to explain what we needed to do next. Honestly, if you can't figure out how to use a computer even a little bit on your own, this school is not for you. Eventually I just tuned him out and did the project on my own so I could spend time listening to music at the end.

You know how I said I was going to go to the Gay Straight Alliance meeting today? Yeah, I didn't. I was halfway there when a tiny light in my head went off and just told me not to go. I tried to argue with this little voice but he won the battle and I headed for the bus. What were the voice's words?...

"This club is only for the people who give a shit."
"It isn't a good idea. Something's gonna go down..."
"You're tired. This place will be here next week. And you can't just walk in for no reason."

I don't know what was up with my head but whatever it was it sounded pretty harsh on me. Am I insane? Or did I already establish that. After all these thoughts were mine. It's not like some outer being brainwashed me. But it was just pretty fucking weird.

When I got home I lay on my bed and took a long nap, something I've never actually done on a normal day. But it's late so I have to put my little thoughts away and clean up around this place before Brian get here. *Looks over at corner of room* Dammit...

I probably won't have time for a post while Brian is here but if I get the chance to be alone if he's in the shower or something I'll try to update. Clean-up time! Now where do I start?



  1. That little voice was just covering up for a very natural, human reaction: anxiety at the prospect of something new. Meeting new people, gay people, what will they think of me? Will there be anyone, y'know, *special* there? etc

    Next time you just have to do it. Don't let yourself make excuses. Once you get there it will be fine.

  2. I've managed to talk myself out of doing things I really ought to do many times, so I can sympathize a bit. Having said that, I was looking forward to hearing about your experiences (good, bad or indifferent) at the meeting.
