Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My 2 Cents on this Bitch

Christine O'Donnell has got to be one of the most insane people I have ever seen. A Sarah Palin wannabe but even more politically incorrect, hypocrite, liar, she's never heard of separation of religion and state, and basically plans on turning the entire US upside down. Earlier today during study period I found an interesting article citing her ideas.

You can read the full article here. For those who don't want to click it. Here is a brief summary, though I recommend the complete article.

  • She believes in chastity and abstinence and is against freak dancing, condoms (the fuck?), co-ed dorm rooms, and masturbation. What. The. Fuck?
  • Not only is she a feminist, but a very bad feminist.*** "Women should submit to their husband". Meaning women shouldn't have more power than their husband. And that men are better soldiers than women.
  • Thinks homosexuality is perversion, deviant, and an identity disorder. That they are abusing the first amendment, that gay-bashing is just "kids being kids", and that it leads to AIDS.
  • "She wouldn’t lie to Nazis looking for Jews in her home", and she lied about applying for a Masters degree when she hadn't even gotten a bachelor's.
  • Dated a witch at a satanic altar "unknowingly"
  • Says God had guided her campaign
  • Thinks physics interferes with a human predisposition to believe in God, and believes in creationism.
  • She believes in death-panels; thinks that money shouldn't be wasted on the health of people who don't seem to be worth it.
  • Thinks media like Sex and the City, Friends, and Britney Spears are dangerous
  • Pro-censorship
  • Advocates military action against Iran, still believes WMD's are in the middle east, and thinks China plans on taking over America.
***It's not that I hate feminists, it's just that women can already join the military, be involved in politics, and be employed for just about any job a man can. Women are equal, so there's no need to fight for anything anymore.

Not to mention she believes bloggers are dangerous because people an express opinions and personal ideas (oh no, not that!)

She said that she refuses to do any more national media interviews because it won't help her get any votes. So she basically is saying that if she speaks her mind she'll only piss more people off. She's done so much damage that even her fellow Republican's refused to fund her campaign.

Please Delaware, don't be stupid.


  1. Let's just hope the Tea Party has completely shot itself in the foot by getting candidates like her up. It would be ironic if it helped Obama get a Congress which was a bit less hostile.

    On the other hand, if there are enough idiot Delawarans(?) out there, then get moving on those Swedish textbooks. Or New Zealand is nice at this time of year.

  2. if you actually read the US consitution, the words seperation of church and state doesn't appear. - congress shall make no law for or against religion. does however.

  3. Anonymous, if you actually read the constitution, you'd know that it's in the first amendment.
