Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Because Being a Nazi is Funny

A Gaydar is like a heart monitor... It's a real bitch when it flat-lines.

So it's true that Nick and Griffin broke up. I think Nick found someone else since he's already with another guy. Honestly, his new boyfriend scares me. He just seems to harmless...

Liam asked me in Latin if the teacher was pregnant. I had to suppress laughter since when I got a glimpse I saw it was probably not the case. He left his hat in class so I picked it up and was gonna give it to him tomorrow. Griffin came up to me and asked me if I knew about an animator known as OneyNG. I actually think that guy is hilarious. As it turns out Griffin knows the guy and said that Eric was the basis for Leo in his series Leo and Satan.

So in art Sneha told me that a boy from our class asked if her name was a Taliban name (ironically it means love) and asked he what level terrorist she is. So I began a discussion to find that he is also a neo-nazi and supports the KKK. Now probably one or two of those things are complete bullshit but he should really find a better comedy act if it's the case.

I asked him to draw a Swastika for me and he didn't even do it right! He claimed that 99% of Muslims are terrorists (the 1% being terrorists in training). "Do you know how many Muslims were actually involved in 9/11?" I asked him. And according to him, he says he isn't a terrorist because he doesn't go "Aelaelaelaelai!", wear a towel on his head, or own an AK-47.

Another thing! He's one of those "America's the best!" people. I asked him why. He responded, "Well it's better than every other country." That was my cue. I broke out the "propaganda" and he read it over. He claimed that none of those things mattered. Let's not forget that the chart included Democracy, Life Expectancy, Education, and Quality Health care. He then said, "What about which country wins the most wars?"

.... "England?" Of course to that he said he hated England. Never would've guessed.

Rita needs to stop making friends. She brought a new kid to our lunch table named Matt. He's a short kid, quiet, and has real shaggy brown hair. Like me he's one of those black clothes kind of boys. Not to mention he makes the Gaydar blink *teehee*

"I dunno, he might be gay." Rita told me during study. We weren't in our usual study; we were put in the next study room over. So me, Sneha, and Rita grouped around Griffin, Hanry, Disney (a girl I call that name since it always gets her attention), and a few others.

"The math team?" Apparently mum is throwing me on the math team since I'm not doing anything this Winter. Yeah mum, this wouldn't happen to have anything to do with me not playing Hockey would it?

"How do you even know I'm good at math?"
"I just do."
"Oh yeah, makes perfect sense." (ooooh she caught me in a bitchy mood)
"Doesn't matter you're doing it."

Well then mum I guess I'll just have to fuck shit up until I'm off the math team now won't I? This ought to be fun. And the first meeting is tomorrow. *rubs hands deviously*


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