16 year old boy was browsing Netflix with his dad, trying to find a film for movie night. When he logged onto Netflix, though, there was a pop-up asking him to rate the highly vulgar porn movie from the night before. He just sits there, waiting for his dad to explode on him for watching the adult flick. But after a while, all the father does is say:
"Well? Are you gonna rate it?"Friday morning, and I'm greeted by a metal rose and a flawless heard carved from wood. Nick made these for me while in the trades hall during Carpentry and Welding. I flipped over the heart where our names were written together. That earned him a big hug from me.
Here's the thing about me and my emotions. When someone makes me feel incredibly special, I bite my lower lip. It rarely ever happens, yet Nick is able to do it constantly.
After school, Nick met me coming out of automotive and I walked with him to his bus. Honestly, I have a new appreciation for my bus. Apparently Nick's bus has hardly any people on it, yet he has to ride for an hour before he gets home, and has to walk a pretty long way up and downhill to reach his house. But hey, Jen and Lindsay ride the same bus so I was greeted with hugs when I got on.
Suddenly, when I got off the bus with Nick, I felt a new appreciation for the world. I must have looked like an idiot to Nick, but to see that many trees at a time was amazing to me. Maybe it was just because it was Autumn and the leaves were changing but it was the most beautiful neighborhood I had ever seen. Wide, clean streets; perfectly paved, uncracked sidewalks; small, cozy houses; and a cool wind all around us. I decided right then and there that this was the kind of place I would want to spend my life.
"This place must be great on Halloween," I told Nick.
"Oh you wouldn't believe it," he said back.
And out of all the tiny, poor houses that sat in that small forest of a neighborhood, Nick's house was a fine, tall, perfectly neat house with a large, open lawn and a built-in garage.
"This one's yours?" I asked in amazement.
"My dad's a carpenter," he said.
I never really thought about those kind of benefits when it came to being a carpenter. When we walked into the house we were first greeted by a tall, black dog who instantly caught sight of the stranger entering her home...
Oh shit... I'm terrified of dogs. I never even thought that he might have a pet. He never mentioned it either. I didn't want to freak out in front of Nick or leave a bad impression on his family who was in the next room. So I played it cool. She approached me and began sniffing my crotch. I tried not to look down but couldn't help but glance a couple times. I wanted to seem like I wasn't even acknowledging its existence.
"She won't bother you," Nick's mother said as she walked into the kitchen and looked at me. "Though if you pat her head she won't leave you alone."
Note to self: don't touch it."Mom, this is Christian," Nick said. His mom held out her hand.
"Hello, Christian." I reached out and shook her hand firmly.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. ****." (Last name is censored of course.)
Nick told me a bit about his mom on the ride to his place. She is one of those incredibly strict, stick-up-the-ass, devout catholic ladies. I guess I did get the essence of bitter from her. But I tried to be as polite as I could to be at good terms. Nick warned me not to say anything about us being together and all, and that we were just friends. Kind of like my mom before she found out.
We talked a bit while Nick made a cup of hot chocolate in a fancy looking Kureg coffee maker. He asked me if I wanted any but I declined, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge. I stopped at the large view from the kitchen window.
"You have a lake," I said.
"Well, technically it isn't
our lake."
"Then make it yours," I joked. We both chuckled.
The view was absolutely perfect. There were a couple trees just there enough to be present and noted in your view, but not enough to overpower the sight of the large lake with a small island with a fallen tree in the center-left of it. I would have stayed for hours but we were going to meet the family.
We walked into the living room where we saw Nick's dad and older brother. Nick's dad is one of those totally laid back kind of guys. That thought was immediately confirmed by his lazy casual outfit and the fact that he greeted me with a "What's up?" rather than a hello.
Nick's brother is, from what I was told, a complete douche. The kind of kid who will try and find something to annoy you, and continuously use it until he gets bored. When I got a good look at him he was tall, had curly blondish-brown hair, and was dressed in a Red Sox jogging suit and baseball cap. He didn't even say one word to me. I guess my look was more intimidating than his; my usual all dark outfit and long straightened hair held back by my onyx black snow hat.
We made our way upstairs and made a left into the den. in the corner was a 44 inch widescreen television. Across from it was a right-angle sofa with a chaise at one end. We sat down and Nick flicked on his Xbox 360. We were going to play but his system seemed to be utter shit and wouldn't read the disc. So we spent a half hour trying to make it work. At one point I blew into the disc tray like an old Super Nintendo.
"You have fun blowing your video game," Nick said to me.
I stopped and looked up at him immediately. "Never mind."
We gave up and headed into his room. I looked around and the first thing I noticed was a gigantic PFLAG with the word "peace" hanging over his bed.
"Oh my," I said with a smile.
"Yep," Nick said proudly.
I felt like we were in some sort of sitcom where I was the boyfriend who casually sat on the bed while Nick was my lively, high-maintenance girlfriend who couldn't decide what to wear tonight. He dug through his dresser, asking me which shirt I thought would look better on him, to which I redundantly said "You look fine in anything." The thing was, all his jeans were the exact same thing, and he expected me to notice the difference.
Nick lifted his shirt to put on deodorant and didn't mind me admiring his cute, fragile body. I noticed he crossed his chest and abdomen with the stick and I questioned him.
"It's so when someone leans up against me I smell nice to them," he responded.
"Hm, interesting." I walked over to him and leaned up against him. I agreed that he did smell quite nice, but didn't back away for a few more seconds to let him know I didn't just get close to him to smell.
We were able to get a little while of game time before it was time to drive to the homecoming dance.
When we got there we were greeted by Anarchy Ian and his girlfriend Amber. We had small conversations which I won't go into detail of because they're kind of foggy and awfully inappropriate, too. but when was I afraid to be inappropriate?
When we entered the gym, Nick was looking around for some people who said they wanted to meet up with him while he was here. Most importantly, his friend Mina. Small world, the same Mina who got Misha all paranoid about Griffin's little thirty-something girlfriends.
The first person who greeted us, however, was Jen. "Hello dears!" She shouted in her odd, high class sort of tone even though she was far from high class. But I love the way she talks. I joked about her heeled boots and said:
"My my, you've grown about... *look down* 3 inches!" She laughed and went off to say her hellos to her other friends. There was an occasional burst of balloons in the room since some assholes can't resist annoying those with friends.
Nick doesn't like dancing. He didn't feel comfortable being in the middle of the crowd with a bunch of other people around him and bumping into him. I could really blame him. It looked like a gauntlet to be honest.
About halfway through the dance, me and Nick just went everywhere with each other, and didn't even let go. He wrapped both his arms around my shoulders and I held my right arm around his waist. He often rested his head on my shoulder and I leaned my head on his.
We were constantly told that we were "so adorable together!", and "so sweet with each other!". Couldn't blame them ^_^. Again, things like that made me bite my lower lip. Nick decided to call me his 'muffin'. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but agree on the little name. I ought to make on for him.
Then there was the last song of the dance. It was the only slow song of the night. I groaned that it was Don't Stop Believin' by Journey but Nick made it worthwhile. We held each other in a close hug and slowly stepped back and forth. It was hands-down the best part of the night, over all the hilarious, fun, and cute moments of the night.
Suddenly the light flashed on, followed by an irritated commotion from the crowd. I looked at my phone and there was a message from mum that she was waiting for me in the parking lot. Nick walked out with me the same way as described before. We passed Frankie on our way out.
"Aww, that's cute," he mocked. We both responded with "polite" hand gestures.
When we were parting ways outside, I decided to go for it. I leaned in close for a kiss but he stopped me right as I was about to get him. "Nice try," he said with a cute smile.
And so I went home confused, yet completely satisfied and incredibly happy for one of the best nights I ever had. Later while on the couch at home I picked up my phone and found one unread message:
From: Nick - 10/22/10 10:23 PM
I would of kissed you but I didn't want all the people looking at us
Me - 10/22/10 10:39 PM
Oh ^_^ okay <3
I guess I could understand that. I just have to get him alone now ;)
From: Nick - 10/22/10 10:41 PM
I love you sooo much
Me - 10/22/10 10:42 PM
I love you too <3